For Site Preparation and Preharvest Control of Hardwoods
PRONONE POWER PELLET HERBICIDE is recommended for use in forestry site preparation, preharvest control of hardwoods and pine release in pine-hardwood stands for growth enhancement of loblolly, slash, shortleaf and longleaf pine.
The treatment provides control of many hard to kill woody plants such as black cherry, blackgum, dogwood, elm, hawthorn, hickory, oaks, red maple, sweetgum and sumac.
General Application Instructions
Apply at a rate* of 1,700 to 5,800 pellets per acre for preharvest, site preparation, and wildlife openings
Apply at a rate* of 900 to 3,800 pellets per acre for pine release
Make the application using a grid pattern as suggested in the table below.
Do not apply Power Pellets closer than 36" to seedlings or directly up slope from seedlings.
For individual stem treatment, apply the pellet to the soil within 3' of the root collar at the rate of 1 or 2 pellets for each 1" diameter of brush to be controlled.
When treating large stems and when more than one pellet is needed per stem, make application around the stem.